Saturday 10 February 2018

Beautifying Our Car

No we haven't painted go faster stripes down the side of our forerunner, added any fluffy dice or upgraded our hubcaps....

One of the wonderful/frustrating/interesting parts about living overseas is getting to know the culture, the rules and the faux pas. One of the rules of the road here (well it definitely was a law but no-one is really sure anymore and it's best not to take a chance) is that it is mandatory to have small warning triangles attached to the bumpers of your car. We have duly obtained said triangles and this weekend we attached them, which was a very exciting task in the eyes of our children who's help turned it in to a whole mornings task!

What amuses me most about these triangles (which are supposed to help prevent accidents) is the marketing on the packets, these triangles will:

  • Beautify your car
  • Prevent Accidents
  • Give the rear of your car a new look (whilst this is true I'm not sure it is a selling point!)
  • They are good for your car

In other news we also put up a hammock, this definitely did enhance our garden!