Monday 18 April 2022

Round up of the week - 11 April

Last weekend we had a team BBQ at our compound, with our two permanent families, Leon our temporary program manager and two visiting pilots. It was fun to have a bigger team with all the houses full, even if it is only for two weeks. 

Kalvin, one of our visiting pilots arrived to do some check flights with Phil in preparation for coming back in June to allow us to return to the UK for the summer. He did he first flight in Chad since 2015 on Monday, and had his skills put to the test on Tuesday with a full days flying from N'Djamena to Goz Beida, Iriba and Abeche all in the east of Chad. Two hours into the first leg I sent him a message to request a diversion to collect a patient who needed to come into N'Djamena for urgent medical care.

This week was the second week of Bethan's Easter break. Last week she went for a sleepover with friends. This week she had some friends over to play and spent a lot of time in our pool. 

Pastors saying farewell before the flight

Dust storm coming in front of a thunderstorm

On Friday I flew out to the east to move some pastors to their next destination and on the way back had to divert around some thunderstorms that were developing. In the evening we attended a good Friday service at our church and the first drops of rain since October. That evening those few drops turned into a downpour and the children had lots of fun running around outside enjoying the rain.

Clouds building up

Good Friday evening service at our church in N'Djamena

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