Sunday 17 July 2016

How precious is your bath water?

After you've had a bath, do you just pull the plug?
Do you stop and think what a waste it seems and then pull the plug?
Or do you save it just in case?

Since the start of April dry season has begun in Madagascar, which means there won't be any rain on the high plateau (where Tana is situated) until November. Last year we experienced the wettest rainy season for 50+ years and so there was enough water in the local reservoirs to last until August before they started to impose water cuts. This year it was a much drier rainy season, and the water cuts had already started in January for a few hours each day. Since the rains stopped they have became daily, sometimes the water is off from 8am-12pm, sometimes 6am-6pm, the worst so far 5am Monday until 4.30pm Wednesday.... so we have started saving Bethan's bath water!

We make sure we top up the water filter when there is running water, as well as keeping a storage box of tap water for washing up and cleaning floors, but flushing the loo would quickly use this up, so the bath water has become a valuable commodity in our house!!

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